As we know farm machinery is an essential piece of kit. It’s expensive that’s why it’s on the hit list of things to steel for organised gangs. All they can see is a big payday for them. Farm machinery theft is big business across the UK. If a tractor is stolen that could mean the farmer is unable to continue working for some time. No tractor. No cutting grass. No ploughing fields for example. What if you are a contractor with farmers wanting hay cut or fields drilling? Some farmers help other farmers out if they don’t have a certain piece of kit and do contracting work. Then the farmer as well as having the tractor stolen has lost extra income. We all know that this machinery is being stolen to order and quickly exported to other countries. Being a victim of crime, especially in remote rural areas can have a knock-on effect on health having to worry about how they are going to manage until the insurance claim is paid. Having items stolen from an isolated farmyard, with the thought that they could be a repeat victim is not a nice thought. So what can you do to reduce the chances of being a victim again?

  • Get immobilizers, chip keys & trackers. These can be easily retrospectively fitted.
  • Mark your equipment with SmartWater.
  • Secure quadbikes with a security device a wheel clamp or even two.
    One at the front and one at the back on the opposite side so the thieves cannot wheel it out is a good investment or if you are handy make your own so the wheel nuts are not accessible. A good padlock with an enclosed shank so bolt cutters cannot be used. As an added precaution secure these devices to a fixed point on the ground.
  • Etching the VIN number onto windows makes it a less attractive target to thieves as they may have to replace the glass if they are moving the vehicle on in the UK.
  • Keep gates to yards closed and consider investing in CCTV systems.
  • One thing which unbelievably some people do is leave their keys in the ignition, even if you just nip off the vehicle to open a gate.

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